Sunday, April 25, 2010

end of the year

Well the end of the year is almost here and it is about to drive me crazy. I am ready for school to be over but i do not want baseball to be over because at this point it would mean that we lost our last game. We won the west division of the ASC but we have to play the fourth place team in the east division. I really hope we can stay focused for the rest of the season and keep our minds on the task at hand. The problem I have with it is that our goal was to win the west and we did, but we never decided what we were gonna do after we did that. I think we should've set the bar high so we can acheive what we want no matter the out come. If our goal was to win the national championship, we would have to win conference, win regionals, and the national tournament. Thats what i would want to do, but maybe next year.....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

end of the year

So with everythiung stacking up and professors giving their last minute assignments, lets just say I will be glad when this semester is over. I have almost too much to do and it might drive me to insanity. However, though the past few days have been kinda hectic, I have been finding myself being able to get a lot done. Last night i went to the library to get soome stuuf done for all my classes. Whiile in the library, I wrote about four pages for my ten page english paper, made my fall schedule for next year, and printed out my anatomy notes for my test, which happens to be today :/. But with this week almost finished and baseball going into the post season, my first college year hasn't gone so bad I would say. I've had a good time meeting new people, and have learned multiple lessons in m first year of college.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


So school is about to drive me crazy because i am trying to finish all my homework and at the same time play baseball. I am always tired and am always trying to find ways to rest. Whether is be sleep or just watching tv for a litlle while. However, with me doing this I do not get all my hw done and need to work harder on school. I am going to start putting my nose to the grind stone the last four weeks and give it my best effort. I am not hte kind of person to just quit so I'm going to give it my best effort. I want to make two A's and two B's this year, which is turning out ot be more difficult than i thought. I should've been doing the extra credit in the classes i needed and i would have this struggle. All i have to do is focus for the last part of school and i'll be golden lol. I know i'm not hte only one with this problem and don't feel like posting this on my "piece of the pie", but i had to write something :P

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The past few english classes we have been tutored over how to research some of our topics. I believe this is a really good idea because most teachers do not put the time in to show you how to research. In high school there are numerous teachers who never taught students how to research a topic other than telling you to use google. Most college students going into college do not know how to research, myself included, and it's nice to see a professor taking the extra step and giving us the tools and instruction to do research. I believe this instruction will help all of us write a better paper and will allow us to "back up" our papers with more and reliable information. Now, with looking at different websites and databases I have noticed there are few research sites that allow you to find everything you need for your paper. It would just be easier if they would create a website where you can find everything for your paper, but then again that thought is unrealistic. Again, I'm glad english class is going good and that things are appearing to work out for themselves.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

spring break

Did you know there are things that drive me crazy while I'm on spring break? It's having to do homework, dealing with drama (I mean come on we're in college for crying out loud), and doing things I don't want to do. Spring break is supposed to be a time away from everything else and should allow you to "recharge you batteries", as my parents used to say. Well all I have to say is that for me to be "recharged", I need about another week of just sleep, eat a lot better foods than just junk food, and turn off my phone and e-mail for about a month. This spring break is good in some areas, don't get me wrong, but there are certain things this year that I will not mention which are driving me insane!!! I just wish some people thought like I did and just relaxed for one full week, instead of taking care of all their problems at this time. Seriously people, I know it's hard but for once in your life, just sit back, relax, and quit starting drama that doesn't need to be started!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


so today we won the series against Mcmurry and are starting conference with a 2-1 record. It's a good start but not the one we were hoping on getting; we were wanting to win three games straight. But it's ok i'm glad we got ahead in the first conference series. My family came to the games, which is a good thing, but the bad part is that i have hw over spring break and i will probably not get caught up on sleep. This school year has been really hard on me, and i am close to breaking down. To say the least, i just need a break. But summer is just around the corner and it will be fun and exciting seeing all my friends from my home town.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

college readiness

Throughout our english class we have been overlooking other people's papers and telling them how they could improve on their papers. I have found good techniques in listening to other people's ideas and hoave found myself becoming a better writer. I just hope everyone else can learn from me as much as i do from them. All in all english class is helpful and really makes me focus on my writing skills.
One reading we went over on our own was the reading called "Patriots". I thought this reading was really interesting and was surprising in then end. However, even though the overall story was good, the end was a bit depressing.....